Examining the Digital Ad Billions: A Deep Dive into Inefficiencies

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Anyone here familiar with Bob Hoffman's latest book, 'Inside The Black Box: How marketers waste billions on online advertising'? The title pretty much sums it up. He cites a source who makes a strong point: 'Now that I’m on the client side, I’ve noticed that no one really cares if digital ad numbers are accurate as long as they look good. It doesn’t matter if it’s 'reach', 'engagement', or any other metric they use. The client wants to see growth every month, regardless of the numbers' authenticity. The media planners, buyers, account teams, and even creatives all benefit from showing the CEO impressive stats, without questioning their effectiveness. Everyone is complicit. No one wants to scrutinize the numbers as long as they show good results. It’s ridiculous.' So, what’s everyone’s opinion on this? Should we just collect our paychecks and move on, or does someone actually care and strive to improve the situation?

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