Etiqueta: Prebid

Why Did the Ad Tech Wrapper Seek Counseling?
The ad tech wrapper decided it needed some help. Here are a few reasons why: One, it was overwhelmed with too many bids to manage. Two, it felt inadequate without AI-powered dynamic price floors. Three, it constantly felt like it was playing second fiddle. Lastly, it was getting too wrapped up in its job.

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Por Que o Ad Tech Wrapper Procurou Terapia?
O ad tech wrapper decidiu que precisava de ajuda. Aqui estão algumas razões: Primeiro, estava sobrecarregado com muitos bids para gerenciar. Segundo, sentia-se inadequado sem os dynamic price floors impulsionados por AI. Terceiro, sentia constantemente que estava sempre em segundo lugar. Por fim, estava ficando muito envolvido no trabalho.

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