Planning CTV Ads in West Coast Cities: Recommendations Needed

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I'm interested in advertising on Connected TV in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland. I'm not sure where to start and would appreciate some guidance. I know that options include working with a Demand-Side Platform (DSP) that has access to streaming inventory like Hulu, Roku, and Paramount+. Another option might be collaborating with a direct representative. I'm less familiar with this direct rep method, so I'm curious if it's the same person who handles my linear TV buys or if I should reach out directly to the streaming services like Hulu and others. Any advice on the best approach would be very helpful.

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 Alguém consegue me resumir o que o Open Bidding se diferencia do Preferred Deal ou do Private Auction?

Planejando Anúncios CTV em Cidades da Costa Oeste: Recomendações Necessárias

Estou interessado em anunciar na Connected TV em Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle e Portland. Não tenho certeza de onde começar e apreciaria alguma...


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