Enhancing Revenue with Adsense and Google AdX: Effective Strategies
To tackle low eCPM and minimal viewability in your Google Ad Manager (GAM) AdX child account, linking Adsense with the AdX child account can be a beneficial strategy. This connection can help fill unoccupied ad spaces with Adsense ads, potentially increasing your overall revenue. However, before proceeding, it is vital to ensure that this integration complies with Google's policies regarding Adsense and does not result in any violations. In addition to linking accounts, consider optimizing your site’s ad placements, improving page load speeds, and focusing on enhancing user experience to boost ad viewability and eCPM. Explore other monetization strategies and continuously monitor performance metrics to make data-driven decisions.
O cenário da mídia programática, martech e advertising no Brasil e América Latina para 2025 e 2026 se mostra promissor e repleto de inovações.
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