Seeking Effective Strategies for Optimizing Programmatic Ads in B2B Marketing

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I'm genuinely curious and seeking advice here. For B2B offerings such as services and enterprise software, how do you optimize your ad content when programmatic ads often result in a 99% bounce rate with minimal user engagement or click-through conversions? While I understand the title might be a tad abrasive, I assure you, my intention is to figure out how to enhance programmatic ad campaigns for B2B, given the stark contrast in user engagement compared to other digital channels. Channels like Google Display Network, Google Paid Search, LinkedIn, and Bing Paid Search deliver noticeable user engagement and click-through conversions. Historically, these metrics have guided my ad performance evaluations, A/B testing, and campaign optimization. However, I've been informed several times that expectations for programmatic ads should differ, viewing them more like a digital billboard. Given this, what methods and metrics do you employ to gauge the success or failure of your ad content when user engagement appears dismal and bot traffic is prevalent?

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